Out Now: GOLF WANG x Suicoke DEPA-CAB

Golf Wang Suicoke Depa Cab Light Green
Golf Wang Suicoke Depa Cab Beige

Perhaps by having a separate clothing label, artist  is able to collaborate with other footwear brands outside of his current commitments with Converse. While it’s neither confirmed, nor denied, that he had a hand in this effort, his GOLF WANG imprint looks to be all over these DEPA-CABs.

Championing the breezy-toed revolution, the DEPA-CAB is a fairly conventional strapped sandal design, with forefoot and ankle areas joined by a lateral midfoot strap. Keeping with Golf Wang’s colourful themes, there is a tonal light green edition with gold trim, and an all-beige colourway too. Colabs aren’t colabs without names behind them, so a large all-caps GOLF logo is printed on the midfoot strip.

They are available now from the GOLF WANG website.

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