Overkill go HAM on the 'No Walls Needed' ZX double pack!

No Walla Zx Overkill Box Details
No Walla Zx Overkill Blue
No Walla Zx Overkill Box Blue Heels
No Walla Zx Overkill
No Walla Zx Overkill Box Shoes
No Walla Zx Overkill Box Red Heels
No Walla Zx Overkill Profile
No Walla Zx Overkill Pair
No Walla Zx Overkill Pair 2
No Walla Zx Overkill Red
No Walla Zx Overkill Blue 2
No Walla Zx Overkill Close Up
No Walla Zx Overkill Above
No Walla Zx Overkill Box Denim
No Walla Zx Overkill Box Blue Denim
No Walla Zx Overkill Box

Overkill and adidas are releasing a twin pack of Berlin Wall-inspired ZX8000 runners in this unique double-sided ‘concrete’ box. Known as ‘No Walls Needed’, the pack features four shoes that are individually branded with a symbol representing Equality, Individuality, Freedom and Unity. Synthetic suede, branded lace jewels, and Torsion midsoles complete the powerful ZX ensemble.

History buffs will know all about the Wall being torn down in 1989, but the story of ‘Begrüßungsgeld’ or ‘Welcome Money’ given to East German border hoppers by the Federal Republic of West Germany is an obscure historical footnote referenced in the shoe design. As Overkill put it in the official press release, there’s ‘A lot to take in, but the message is clear: Double the shoes. Double the freedom. Double the love!’

The ZX 8000 ‘No Walls’ is limited to 1989 pairs at Overkill November 2. Each customer will get ‘Welcome Money’ of 100 euros at the instore event. Now that’s a deal!

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