Reebok Reunite with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Villainous Collection

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reebok Villain Collection
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reebok Villain Collection Rita Repulsa
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reebok Villain Collection Rito Revolto
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reebok Villain Collection Lord Zedd

Reebok have ramped up their pop culture crossovers in recent years with a number of collaborations incorporating famous 1990s television shows and movies. In 2021, they celebrated the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by releasing an expansive collection of sneakers representing the eponymous protagonists’ motifs. This year, Reebok are back, but this time they’ve broken bad and linked up with the villains of the show for a new pack of shoes.

There are three major foes represented here: Rita Repulsa, Rito Revolto and Lord Zedd, who characterise the Instapump Fury, Hurrikaze 2 Low (formerly known as the Kamikaze 2 Low) and the Answer 4, respectively. Like the first collection, each pair has modified details nodding to elements of the characters, such as symbols on the Fury’s Pump button, bone-coloured skeleton uppers and silver armour. The packaging has also been custom made to reflect the unique stylings and cultural contexts of the show – for example, the Fury is packaged in ‘Rita’s Moon Dumpster’, which is presumably more attractive IRL than the name suggests.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers x Reebok villain collection will release on March 25 directly from Reebok. Some complementary apparel will also be available alongside for the full head-to-toe outfit.

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