Reebok Question Mid (Dress Code)

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In the spirit of its famed predecessors, this flies a flag in the face of the NBA’s dress code. Specifically, the dress code introduced in 2005 by league’s then commissioner, David Stern.

By all accounts, the code was trash. It banned all streetwear and stipulated that players wear a suit and tie virtually any time they were off court. It punished Allen Iverson in particular whose fondness for du-rags was lore, and who was especially vocal about wearing clothes he was comfortable in.

The move was unpopular and didn’t stick around long, but Reebok remember the incident with Iverson’s signature shoe. References to banned attire are found all over – there’s a Timberland-coloured toe cap, denim on the flanks and a banned sign on the heel.

The Reebok Question Mid ‘Dress Code’ is a welcomed nod to NBA history, and sold out quickly when it hit Politics. Word is there will be a wider release come November 4, we’ll keep you posted.

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