Resellers Regret Stocking Up on the Latest Yeezy

If there's one thing for certain in the sneaker world, it's that are a sure-fire way to flip an easy profit – well, at least in the eyes of resellers. Nothing's every really a sure thing when you take a gamble on sneakers for profit, as many selfish bot bandits quickly found out in the wake of the recent release.
Asking prices are currently hovering around the $180 mark and sold listings indicate that many buyers are scoring pairs for much less. , nearly every size can be had for $160 or less, with an average sale price of $172 at present. While this might look like a small but tidy profit on the latest Powerphase's $120 recommended retail, keep in mind that these prices are before any fees are skimmed off the sales prices – and on top of the retail price, many were also slugged with both shipping and tax!
The end result means that for most resellers their effort was for naught. Best case they ended up with a couple of extra bucks in their pocket, but many are finding they need to sell at cost or below just to liquidate supply. Prices will surely plummet even lower if continue to re-release this latest Powerphase . Looks like the resellers lucky enough to cop are the ones taking the L on this one!