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Suicoke and Wacko Maria Team Up on Some Versatile Slippers

Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Patterened Top Shot
Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Patterened Three Quarter Lateral Side Shot
Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Patterened Lateral Side Shot
Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Black Top Shot
Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Black Three Quarter Angle Shot
Wacko Maria Suicoke Deebo Shoes Black Lateral Side Shot

and have created two pairs of slippers known as the ‘Deebo Shoes’, switching it up from the leopard print sandals that were created last year by going full cozy with these. Both dressed in black, one has ‘Wacko Maria’ emblazoned in old english font across the toe box, while the other features a bold Virgin Mary across the whole vamp. The rubber sole construction means you can rock these anywhere, both pairs also feature a tag hanging from the collar with joint branding.

Are you trying to get your slipper game up? Well now is the perfect time, because both pairs will be hitting retailers in Japan on May 18, Europe on May 24, and Stateside on May 31.

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