30 Dec 2019

Releases Air Max Plus 3 Air MaxFoot Locker

The Nike Air Max Plus 3 Roars in Classic Colours

Nike Air Max Plus 3 Tiger Quarter
Nike Air Max Plus 3 Tiger Left
Nike Air Max Plus 3 Tiger Right
Nike Air Max Plus 3 Tiger Top
Nike Air Max Plus 3 Tiger Heel

As far as retros go, the was one of the most unexpected – but welcome! – resurrections this year. And as the next in line to the TN throne, it has quite the legacy to carry on. What better way to do it, then, than in the family colours: Tiger.

Like its forebears, this Plus sports the yellow-orange fade across its mesh body, while black TPU adds the namesake stripes. Being the eccentric sibling of the OG, the TN3 twists the original’s aggressive look, and bares its teeth even more. With veins more like speed stripes and a midfoot shank that reaches up to become the heel counter, there’s a lot to take in, but it’s worth it for those Max fans willing to show this weirdo some love.

These will be prowling around Foot Locker stores now, so keep an eye out and be ready to pounce.

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